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Helping you navigate the Climate Policy landscape

Carbon removal

Policy, technology and more

Carbon markets

Paris Agreement and more

Policy analysis

Policy options, content, dynamics

Policy advice

General strategic policy advice


Types of assignments

  • Presentations and Q&A sessions on different climate policy aspects
  • Analysis of existing and planned climate policy and regulation
  • Evaluation of policy options to achieve specific goals
  • Analysis of policy context – how specific policy tools interact with others, how climate policy links to other policy fields and current or expected developments
  • Policy dynamics – how different policy elements interact or overlap, how the institutions and stakeholders involved in the policy-making process are evolving
  • Policy-making processes (European Union, UNFCCC)
    – How does it work, and how to work with it
    – How could it impact the viability of policy options: feasibility, relevant timelines, key institutions/ stakeholders and their positions
  • General strategic climate policy advice

Particular policy expertise

  • Carbon markets
    – International carbon markets (including Article 6 of the Paris Agreement)
    – The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
    – The intersection of compliance and voluntary carbon markets
  • Policy design around emission reductions and carbon removal in the EU and under the Paris Agreement
  • Carbon dioxide removal, especially Direct Air Capture with CCS (DACCS) and Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS)
  • European Green Deal – sectoral climate policies like the EU ETS, the upcoming Carbon Removal Certification
  • Carbon capture and storage
  • European Union legislative process and UNFCCC decision-making process

Recent work

Are you looking for advice on climate policy?

Or an insightful take on the latest policy developments?


Climate Principles is a Climate Policy Advisory. It works with private and public sector clients, providing strategic advice on European and international climate policy.

Climate Principles was established by Eve Tamme and draws on her broad experience in the field since 2004. Eve has led the Climate Department in a national administration, advised on climate policy in DG CLIMA in the European Commission, shaped international climate policy engagement in the non-profit sector, and consulted for private sector clients.

Climate Principles’ mission is to bring clarity to climate policy.

Climate Principles

Understanding how Climate Policy works leads to better business decisions.

Eve Tamme, Founder and Managing Director


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Climate Principles OU
Veskiposti 2-1002
10138, Tallinn, Estonia

Reg code: 16254033
VAT: EE102384064

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